Non è più un'isola

Lajityyppi: Documentary film
Vuosi: 1970
Kesto: 00:17:00
Kuvaus: An underdeveloped region, Gargano (Apulia), for centuries cut off from the rest of Italy, in a few years moves from a $100 per capita income to $700 one. Industries emerge and tourism develops. The short film aims at investigating the internal and external consequences of this rapid change from a sociological point of view.
Sisältölähde: Cineteca di Bologna
Oikeudet: In Copyright / For information about the rights holder please contact Cineteca di Bologna.
Tuotantoyhtiö: Corona Cinematografica
Väri: Black & White
Ohjaaja: Ferrara, Giuseppe
Sound: With sound
Kokoelma: Cineteca di Bologna Film Collection
Language: it